Thursday 23 December 2010

A goodbye, See-you-in-two-weeks and two poems

Well, well. This is the last day of the year on this blog. Until next year - 2011. As we'll go for a Merry Christmas and look forward to a promising New Year, I leave you a piece of Abiodun Idowu's poetry.

It does not fall into the place of confessional poems as she is much more interrogative than squealing every of her, is and was.

I find her poems largely introspective, somewhat like the poetry of Sylvia Plath. Biodun's experiences – observed and personal, shows inquisitions into existence and essence. Her poems are a reminder that beneath the pretence we do have hot blood. She is experimental also.

I hope you'll enjoy her poems.

The Call

Liberty is calling me
In Sham’s voice
‘Come, cleave with me
Let us be one’

Freedom is calling me
Sham's voice breaks my walls
My shackles of selfishness fall
I am walking

Ominira calls me ‘beloved’
I raise my head, once again
For the third time.

Sham will not betray me
The wind, the earth and
water say it
I believe and break into a sprint.

* Ominira - Freedom, immunity…


A) Skin.
Smooth builds into
rough, melds into dips
depths, curves.
Lovely. Musk, sweat
primal coma, secret
places invoke, invite.

B) Hair.
Flutter, flick
lightly sting, caress
heavy glides over.
Sheen. Digging in,
drag lightly, let
pain collide by pleasure.

C) Caves.
Moist promise warmth.
Strength plunge deep
Dark, pan-ic, still
stroke, stride, slide
call plump, plunde
Sink. Lift. Off.

All of his aggro
Is via
gra gra.

Abiodun Idowu is a Nigerian writer, based in Bolton, England. Known as ‘Abi’ or ‘Pepperz’ onstage. She presently writes short stories, articles and poetry. Slowly working on a novel, with two plays staged in Nigeria. Her latest publication is in the Bolton based University magazine 'Textyle'. She is also working on a multi media project called 'Losing Jack and Jill'.


Merry Christmas!

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